How to Enable Secret Reader Mode of Google Chrome?

One of the most frustrating things about browsing websites today is the constant block of advertising that appears in different formats when you try to see the actual content. Fortunately, Google Chrome introduces a secret reader mode that enables you to access the website's plain text version, without supporting announcements or pop-ups.

 Enabling the Feature

Google borrowed the idea for the feature from the existing Firefox browser configuration. Instead of the feature disabled by default, Chrome allows you to trigger the feature manually on your flags tab. 
Here are the steps to enable hidden reader mode in Google Chrome:

First, make sure you run Chrome 75 or higher as the option is not part of earlier browser versions and then take these following steps:

1. Type chrome:/flags on the Chrome address page and press Enter. You will go to the Flags tab in Chrome. That is the browser section that includes more advanced features not yet fully mature to merge into Chrome's current feature line-up.
2. Check for the "Enable Reader Mode" option.

3. When you found the Reader Mode option, select on the flag next to it to switch it from the' Normal' to' Standardized.'
Optionally, a more practical way of activating the feature is to reach the Chrome address bar by type chrome:/flags/#enable reader mode and Press enter.
4. Now your app has updated its settings. To make the changes successful, quit your browser and logging on again.
Go to the website with the advertisements and pop-ups you want to stop. Open the overflow set menu at the top right corner of the page identified by the three points and search for the "Distill" button. Tap on it.
You can now access a streamed-down version of the site, which removes ads automatically to allow you to view the actual content in peace.
If you wish to go back to the original version of the page, just hit the undo arrow at the top left corner, and you can restore the website.

Things to Remember

The Secret Reader feature does have some effects on your browsing habits that you must take into account before the feature is enabled. First, some sites may not be able to view their content if Chrome blocks all of the ads and pop-up windows on its website. As the feature is still in a development stage, it can always begin or stop working entirely in the middle of a web browsing session.


The hidden reader feature is a way of circumventing the assertion of so many websites that put hundreds of advertisements in only one article or show a single video. Like all flags, the Hidden Reader option is still not bug-free but works very well in many kinds of web pages.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much, now I can read clearly in chrome browser

